Tag Archives: Vietnam

I Saw the Sign: Best Street Signs Spotted Recently in Asia

Oh you did, did you?

Throughout my travels, through Southeast Asia and in Singapore in particular, I kept seeing signs that made me laugh. I thought this was particularly ironic in a place where English is the official language, but you figure it has to be translated into so many other languages, maybe there’s less care taken.  OR, and I prefer this possibility, Singaporean signmakers have a fantastic sense of humor.

I think there are a few from Taiwan and Vietnam as well– at the Reunification Palace in Ho Chi Minh City, Eva and I had some, ahem, trouble, following their commands.

Have you seen any terrific (or terrifically bad) signs lately?  Please share! Continue reading


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Catching The Travel Bug

Photo by camilo, courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons License

Apropos international showers I have taken and beginning to feel at home in Taiwan, it’s time to go traveling!  Over the last week I have officially caught the travel bug.  And when I look back on experiences moving to new places, returning “home” to that place after a trip really made me feel like I belonged there.  It’s the difference between vacationing and living somewhere, and nothing draws that contrast better than returning.

When I was living in Paris for 4 months as a college exchange student, my first return was a lovely evening when my friend and I got off the train (from Amsterdam) at Gare du Nord.  I took the Métro back to Ternes, and watched the sunset from over the elevated section of the blue #2 line at Barbes Rouchechart, with a feeling of deep peace in my heart and mind.  Paris was my city, and I was coming back to it with a sense of ownership and tired relief.

So in the coming months, I have some exciting trips in the planning stages!  But where to go, what to see, eat, do? Continue reading

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