Tag Archives: irony

Travel Fashion: 12 pieces of clothing for a year

12 pieces

These were the 12 easy pieces. For more on literary folks thinking about fashion, visist LooksAndBooks.com!

I am currently in the last days of a fashion diet—although not entirely by choice.  The term came from a New York Times article about the benefits of living on 6 pieces of clothing for a month: a “fashion diet” of sorts.  Women, primarily, decided to downsize their wardrobes to see what would happen— and the results were surprisingly good.  They wore lots of black, felt less materialistic, and spent absolutely no time deciding what to wear each day. The best (or maybe worst) part?  No one else even noticed.

I saw the article when I started packing for a year on the other side of the world. I am NOT a light packer. I never have been, my travel fashion philosophy being, “But what if I suddenly need another sweater/skirt/dress/pair of shoes?”  This of course, with the disclaimer that nothing ever happens to me that would fortuitously require a backup evening gown or glittery sandals. (And of course, one could always go shopping—ahem, Pretty Woman?)

But the challenge struck me: could I live on 6 pieces of clothing for a month? Then I thought, maybe 12 for a year? Continue reading


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Not Getting Typhoid

an oral vaccine

photo by istolethetv courtesy of Flickr creative commons

I am spending my last free and unscheduled weekend before leaving America Not Getting Typhoid. It’s quite a barrel of laughs. I feel like I’m playing the Oregon Trail, circa 1994, have been going at a grueling pace, and my wagon just tipped over in the Snake River. Better rest, because little Jimmy has Typhoid.

But don’t worry– I don’t HAVE Typhoid.  This weekend will safely inoculate me, if I can just survive it! Continue reading


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